Thursday, September 26, 2013

VOCAB Sentences #6

Inevitable (going to happen to no matter what)
Death is inevitable.

Phobia (a strong fear)
People have strange phobias like ablutophobia.

Seclude (hide away from others)
I seclude when playing hide and seek.

Rebuke ( to criticize or put on blast)
Mrs. Adamson always rebuked me.

Notorious (famous for something bad)
Al Capone is a notorious G.

Fluctuate (to change)
Charlie Sheen Fluctuates Women Daily.
Candid (honest / sincere)
Abe Lincoln Is a candid person.
Sophomoric (immature)
  Sometimes I can be sophomor
ic after lunch.
Debunk (Prove something false)
Imminent (about to happen)
Affluent (wealthy)
Routine(ordinary, normal)
Benign (harmless)
Enlighten (to teach something new)
Malevolent (evil)
Inquire (to ask)

Perplexing (confusing)
Resilient (tough/determined)
Amend (to fix/to change)
Fickle (indecisive)
Benevolent (good)
Desist (stop doing something)
Listless (tired/lazy)
Lackluster (not impressive)

Dwindle (to reduce in number or amount)
Subtle (not obvious)
Gullible (willing to believe anything)
Erratic (unpredictable)
Condescending (conceited/talking down to someone)
Aspire (to seek to become or achieve)
Pristine (untouched/in perfect condition)
Nettle (to annoy or bother)

Hapless (unlucky)
Scrutinize (To look closely)
Domicile (home)
Clarify (to explain more clearly)
Asinine (stupid/idiotic)
Infer (to figure out without being told)
Eloquent (well-spoken)
Strife (conflict)

Plaintive (Very sad)
Flaunt (to show something off)
Distraught (emotionally upset)
Queue (a line of people or things)
Accrue (to gather over time)
Relentless (never stopping)
Leery (untrusting)
Crass (rude/vulgar/having bad manners)

Vocab Sentences #5

I was plaintive when my cat died.
Definition: Very Sad

I flaunt my test scores alo.
Definition: Show off

Nick is distraught because he didn't get GTA V.
Definition: Emotionally Upset

There was a lot of people waiting in the GTA V queue.
Definition: A line of people

I want to accrue money to quit school.
Definition: Obtain over time

People say that i am relentless and never shut up.
Definition: Never Stopping

Mr. Ostini is sometimes leery of me.
Definition: Untrusting

Sam is very crass.
Definition: Rude.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Ok my name is Erving Torres. Life before high school was really cool. i was a fat energetic kid that loved cheese. I used to play soccer to get the ladies, but that didn’t work out. So i quit in disappointment at least i got some cool trophy’s. i always switched elementary schools cause i was a thug nuff said. I stayed in Tunnel Elementary School the longest i made lots of friends that i don’t talk to now but its ok. I used to get in trouble alot i just think the teachers hated me. When i was like Seven 7 years old i used to think i was a skater, but then i realized i sucked at skating and i was fat. Back then the only way i could make friends was by making people laugh like i do today.
My present life is the same really boring. Summer Vacation though was really fun. I went shopping a lot with some friends and bought a lot of clothes. There was a day were two of my friends Jorge and Carlos decided to sleep over. We were popping bottles at night and broke a few windows. But it was fine we blamed my brother. I worked in the fields for a 4 weeks cause i needed the money. It sucked but i bought clothes. Today like right now i think that’s what it means. Well it sucks i hate all my classes cause i have H.W in all of them. No offense Mr. Ostini or others in my class. I hope i wrote that paragraph right
I’m not really sure about my future. all i know is that im not gonna get into a university so i have to bribe the university with my good looks and fine legs. If that doesn’t work ill be homeless or work at best buy because best buy is cool. But in case i do get into a University i want to become a mechanic. I want to become a mechanic because it looks like alot of fun, theres big pay, and you get know how to fix your own car. My uncle is also a mechanic so he can help me out if i have any questions.